Coomore in the USA
Back in early 2017 I had become great friends with James Brennan. James and myself would have many conversations weekly, with James in South Africa & myself here in the USA. Most of our conversations would entail the breed, from where it started and where it stands today. We both agreed the breed is in dire need of rescuing. While one itself can't rescue a breed, One can make a difference by practicing ethical breeding & training.
There are many misconceptions about the Boerboel and their ability to be trained. Many believe that a Boerboel cannot be "turned on" or engage in stopping the threat and then be able to return to the same demeanor as before stopping that threat. The falsehoods over this are damaging to the reputation of a Boerboel, and a True Boerboel is fully capable of being turned on and then switched off again. When the Breed came to be, they were man-stoppers playing with kids during the day and protecting the small holds at night from all intruders.
I wanted to train my dogs in personal protection, but was told it could not and should not be done with a Boerboel. It was then I flew over the World Renowned trainer Vijai Naidu. Vijai being the Author of "The Working Boerboel ( fact or fiction)". After working with Vijai and seeing what was possible I knew my love for this wonderful breed was not fanciful. Within hours of Vijai getting off the plane here in the USA he had proven the true demeanor of a good Boerboel. It was two days later that James Brennan had given me the Coomore name and told me not to screw up his legacy.
Team & Mentors
I think everyone no matter what business or hobby, has a mentor or two. I am very lucky when it comes to mentors. I have some dear friends that have helped me tremendously. I am very grateful for that. It would be tough to find the amount of experience bundled up under one name.

Dan Diplock owner of Coomore Boerboels USA. Dan is very passionate about preserving the True South African Boerboel. For the last 18yrs Dan has been with German Shepherds and has fallen in love with the Boerboel breed.

James Brennan, the Founder of Coomore Boerboels has been involved with dogs all of his life, in particular with working dogs and has been breeding dogs for 40 years. During that time, he was invloved with hunting Dachshunds and Terriers, Livestock Guardian breeds and German Shepherds and Rottweilers. Approximately 20 years ago, he became involved with and concentrated on the Boerboel.
During that time, he has bred to preseve the historically correct Boerboel that is work capable and able to fulfil the traditional role of the breed, primarily as a family and farm guardian but also able to be an all round utility dog on the farm.
His objective has always been to produce dogs with the necessary temperment and drives, together with the necessary functional physical conformation, required to allow them to excel in that role.
He was formerly Vice Chairman of EBBASA and is now a member of BABS. His knowledge of the breed is unparalleled and he is my dear friend and mentor.

Vijai Naidu, Probably the World's best trainer in the Boel breed hands down. Author of the book "The Working Boerboel: Fact or Fiction." We have been training with Vijai and not only has Vijai become a great family friend, but a great mentor in training.

Willie Jankins of Nickel City Boerboels, Willie does all our decoy work for training our dogs along with temperament testing of our Boerboels and Puppies. He has been working with dogs for the past 25 yrs.