The Boerboel used to be the ideal family and home and farm protector, combining substance with soundness and athleticism and the wonderful Boerboel temperament developed over generations on the family farms of South Africa.
At Coomore our goal here is quite simple... to preserve this legacy by preserving the historically correct Boerboel that is work capable in mind and body and therefore able to fulfill the traditional role of the breed, as a family and farm guardian but also able to be an all round utility farm dog.
Through selective breeding over many years of our Boerboels, informed by the philosophy that form always follows function, we are able to produce world class, work capable, historically correct Boerboels.
The lineage of our Boerboels goes back to the foundtion of the breed. It is with the sound knowledge and wide experience of our team that we can meet our objective to produce Boerboels with the necessary temperament , drives, and functional physical conformation, that is required to allow them to excel in the role our customers require.
The Coomore Name
Cu Chulainn is one of the most famous Irish mythological heroes. A ferocious warrior, he appears in the stories of Ulster in Northern Ireland, and also in Scottish and Manx folklore. He was said to be the son of Deichtine and of the god Lugh, and he was also the nephew of Conchobar mac Nessa, the King of Ulster.
His given name at birth was Setanta but he gained the name Cu Chulainn, meaning ‘the Hound of Culainn’ after he killed a ferocious guard dog belonging to a man, named Culainn. Cu Chulain offered to take the place of the guard dog until a replacement could be reared.
In honour of this legendary hero and the ferocious guard dog that he killed, our kennel name became Cu Mor which in the Irish language means Great Hound. it was anglicised into Coomore to make it easier for people to pronounce.
Providing World Class Work Capable Authentic South African Boerboels True Family Guardians
All our Boerboels are Health and Temperament Tested